
01792 369057


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 8AM - 6PM

New head-to-toe treatments for when you need a moment of ‘me-time’ away from your busy lifestyle to release stress and tension,
re-energize and improve your mood.
With unique sensorial experiences, tension-relieving massage movements and plant-powered products, our Wellness Treatments promote a feeling of in nite well-being for the body and mind, leaving your skin looking more radiant and soothed.

1 hr 10 minutes £65

Beauty Sleep

Feeling stressed, exhausted, lack of sleep? This
calming journey for the skin, mind and senses
induces a state of total relaxation. After the
treatment you will look and feel rested, stress
levels will be reduced and sleep quality will

Women agree:

89% felt this treatment was the equivalent to a good night’s sleep*

100% felt calmer, relaxed, rested and soothed**

We recommend this treatment towards the end of
your day to relax and unwind.

Rise and Shine

Lack of energy, feeling run down and stressed?
This revitalizing treatment includes a stimulating
body massage and a reviving facial to leave your
skin radiant and dewy. You will feel recharged,
invigorated and ready to take on the day (or the
evening!) ahead.

*Using a questionnaire from a doctor with well-being and stress reduction expertise, 104 women responded to 7 questions (using
a 5-point scale) regarding their stress level and 7 questions regarding their quality of sleep. These questions were asked before the
treatment and one day following the treatment. Analysing these responses gives an overall level of perceived stress and sleep quality
with proves the e ectiveness of the Beauty Sleep treatment on improving both.
**Satisfaction test 104 women, immediately after treatment.